Below is a list of the cookies that we use. We have tried to ensure this is complete and up to date, but if you think that we have missed a cookie or there is any discrepancy, please let us know.

Strictly necessary

We use the following strictly necessary cookies:

cookieyes-consent  CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors.  
wpEmojiSettingsSupportsWordPress sets this cookie when a user interacts with emojis on a WordPress site. It helps determine if the user’s browser can display emojis properly.
__stripe_midStripe sets this cookie to process payments.
__stripe_sidStripe sets this cookie to process payments.


We use the following analytical/performance cookies:

sbjs_migrations  Sourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.  
sbjs_current_addSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_first_addSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_currentSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_firstSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_udataSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
sbjs_sessionSourcebuster sets this cookie to identify the source of a visit and stores user action information in cookies. This analytical and behavioural cookie is used to enhance the visitor experience on the website.
tk_orJetPack plugin sets this referral cookie on sites using WooCommerce, which analyzes referrer behaviour for Jetpack.
tk_r3dJetPack installs this cookie to collect internal metrics for user activity and improve user experience.
tk_lrJetPack plugin sets this referral cookie on sites using WooCommerce, which analyzes referrer behaviour for Jetpack.
tk_aiJetPack sets this cookie to store a randomly-generated anonymous ID used only within the admin area and for general analytics tracking.
tk_qsJetPack sets this cookie to store a randomly-generated anonymous ID used only within the admin area and for general analytics tracking.
__ssidThe domain of this cookie is owned by This cookie contains a numerical identifier. It is used to identify and collect behavioural information about users of client sites.


We use the following targeting cookies:

_pin_unauthPinterest set this cookie to group actions for users who cannot be identified.  


Other cookies that do not fit into the above categories:

ar_debugDescription is currently not available. 
_pinterest_ct_uaNo description available.
is_euNo description available.
mNo description available.


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